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Women’s Business Dress Codes – What Counts As Business Casual, Formal, & Professional?

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This guide can help you navigate business dress codes, and make a great impression wearing the proper business attire. Dress codes vary between different companies and work environments – so be sure to check in with your HR department to get correct dress code info.


Environment: If your workplace requires a business formal dress code, know  that  this is the most strict business dress code. Business formal attire is usually reserved for special boardroom meetings, law firms, and very corporate environments (e.g banking and investment offices).

STYLE TIP: Find a tailor in your area to perfect the fit of your suit – if you have an older/not “up-to-style” suit hanging in your closet, this can save you money instead of buying a new ensemble

Women’s Business Formal “Dos” & “Don’ts”

Conservative and very clean cut look – apart from clothing, this includes your hair, and cosmetics.
Tailored and matching pantsuit or skirt suit – no mismatching two-piece suits.

Plain-colored collar shirt – no wrinkles or patterns on shirt.
Conservative, dark or neutral colors – no vibrant or extravagant colors and patterns.
Conservative jewelry – this can include pearl studs and a simple, yet elegant watch, but not statement necklaces or bangles.
Tights/hoisery with skirts – black or nude colors only, no lively colors or prints.
Conservative, closed-toe heels – no statement heels.

If you opt for a skirt suit, the skirt length should ideally be slightly above the knee or at the knee.

Examples of women’s business formal appearance: 


Environment: The business professional dress code is business formal’s less strict sister. This dress code can be seen day-to-day in corporate offices, and some legal and banking fields.

STYLE TIP: The business professional dress code should give a very clear indication of a distinguished professional, however give yourself some leeway to incorporate color, patterns and jewelry (just be mindful not to go over-the-top)

Women’s Business Professional “Dos” & “Don’ts”

This is still a conservative and clean cut look, however more relaxed.
Includes pantsuits, skirt suits, dresses.
Includes collar shirts, blouses, sleeveless shell tops – no revealing tops.
You can stick to dark and neutral conservative colors, but also incorporate solid lively colors and muted patterns.
Although statement pieces can be worn, the overall appearance must be balanced and not over-the-top extravagant.
Tights/hoisery with skirts and dresses- black or nude colors only, no lively colors or prints.
Closed-toe heels, dressy loafers or flats.

Examples of women’s business professional appearance: 


Environment: The business casual dress code allows you to express your individuality, and can be frequently found in fashion workplaces, and tech companies. This dress code still maintains a professional appearance, but in an even more relaxed way than the business professional dress code.

STYLE TIP: Business causal and non-office causal are very different (it does not call for a “jeans and t-shirt” look and requires professionalism) – some companies have different definitions of the business causal dress code, so be sure to check with the HR department on expectations

Women’s Business Casual “Dos” & “Don’ts”

Includes pantsuits or skirt suits – you can incorporate color and patterns but be mindful that you need to look professional.
Includes collared shirts, blouses, sleeveless shell tops, dresses – no “jeans and t-shirt”, or anything you would wear to a beach or a nightclub.
You can stick to dark and neutral colors, but feel free to incorporate color and patterns in your outfit.
Statement jewelry pieces can be worn – as long as the pieces are tasteful and you have a balanced appearance.
Statement shoes (not over-the-top), closed-toe heels, dressy loafers, flats, clean-cut business casual sneakers – no sandals. 

Examples of women’s business casual appearance: 

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